How to delete a folder permanently in a computer

Sometimes we need to delete something permanently on our computer. But many of us don't know how to delete permanently on a computer.

Today I will show how to delete something from your computer permanently in two ways.

How to delete a folder permanently with the key of a keyboard

Generally, we select a folder and press "Delete" to delete something. But it doesn't mean that it has been permanently deleted. If you want to delete a folder or an attachment or audio or movie or secret folder or an image or anything, follow the easy steps.
  • Select the folder.
  • Press and hold the "Shift" key.

  • Press "Delete" key in your keyboard.
How to delete a folder permanently with a mouse

Generally, when we need a folder to delete, we just select the folder and delete it by clicking the buttons of a mouse. But it does not mean that the folder has been permanently deleted. So follow the steps to delete a folder with a mouse.

  • Select the folder by clicking on the left button of a mouse.
  • Press the right button keeping the cursor on the folder.

  • Click on the "Delete" option.
  • Go to the "Recycle Bin".
  • Find out the folder and select the folder.
  • Press the right button keeping the cursor on the folder
  • Get a "Delete" option and click on it. 
In these two ways, you can easily permanently delete anything in your computer. 

If you have any questions, feel free to comment.

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